Advanced Charting> Charting Discontinuous data

You might often want to plot charts with incomplete data points - i.e., missing data. For example when plotting a financial chart, you might not have the entire data - so you might just want to indicate the missing data with a blank space on the chart not plotting anything at that particular place.

FusionCharts has in-built capabilities to plot charts with missing data i.e., discontinuous data. The following charts support discontinuous data:

  • All Single series charts (except Pie and Doughnut)
  • 3D/2D Multi-series Column/Line/Bar/Area Chart
  • The secondary axis (line) on the combination charts.

To plot discontinuous charts, all you need to do is create an empty <set /> elements where you want empty spaces to occur, like as under:

<graph ... >
   <set name='...' value='...' ... />
   <set name='...' value='...' ... />
   <set name='...' value='...' ... />
   <set />
   <set />
   <set />
   <set name='...' value='...' ... />
In the above code, the three data sets with empty <set /> elements won't appear on the chart. That, is if you're plotting a column/bar chart, these would be rendered as empty spaces between other datasets. Or, if you were plotting a line/area chart, they would appear as broken lines or area.
Say, for example, you were plotting the monthly sales summary chart, and now you find that you don't have the data for two months (say, May and October) for some reasons. Now, showing 0 as the data value for both these months would be misleading. So, what we'll do is just show the names of the months but no columns (not even 0 values). The XML data document for this chart can be written as under:
<graph caption='Monthly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2004' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$' showNames='1' showValues='0'>
   <set name='Jan' value='17400' color='AFD8F8' />
   <set name='Feb' value='29800' color='F6BD0F' />
   <set name='Mar' value='21800' color='8BBA00' />
   <set name='Apr' value='13800' color='A66EDD' />
   <set name='May' />
   <!-- Note the missing value attribute in the element above -->
   <set name='Jun' value='27600' color='F984A1' />
   <set name='Jul' value='31800' color='CCCC00' />
   <set name='Aug' value='39700' color='eaf5ff' />
   <set name='Sep' value='27800' color='ffaaa0' />
   <set name='Oct' />
   <!-- Note the missing value attribute in the element above -->
   <set name='Nov' value='32900' color='ffa000' />
   <set name='Dec' value='39800' color='D8D940' />
The chart would look as under:
Another example of a discontinuous line chart is shown below:
And, the data for this is as under:
<graph caption='Discontinuous Data Demo' numdivlines='4' showgridbg='1' showhovercap='1' lineThickness='1' animation='1' hoverCapSepChar=' ' anchorScale='0' showNames='1' showValues='0' numVDivLines='12' anchorscale='0' rotateNames='1'>
      <category name='5/2001' showName='1'/>
      <category name='6/2001' showName='0'/>
      <category name='7/2001' showName='0'/>
      <category name='8/2001' showName='1'/>
      <category name='9/2001' showName='0'/>
      <category name='10/2001' showName='0'/>
      <category name='11/2001' showName='1'/>
      <category name='12/2001' showName='0'/>
      <category name='1/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='2/2002' showName='1'/>
      <category name='3/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='4/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='5/2002' showName='1'/>
      <category name='6/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='7/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='8/2002' showName='1'/>
      <category name='9/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='10/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='11/2002' showName='1'/>
      <category name='12/2002' showName='0'/>
      <category name='1/2003' showName='0'/>
      <category name='2/2003' showName='1'/>
      <category name='3/2003' showName='0'/>
      <category name='4/2003' showName='1'/>
   <dataset seriesname='Series 1' color='00A900' showValue='0' lineThickness='2' yaxismaxvalue='100' anchorAlpha='0'>
      <set />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set value='0' />
      <set value='1' />
      <set value='2' />
      <set value='3' />
      <set value='5' />
      <set value='8' />
      <set value='11' />
      <set value='16' />
      <set value='23' />
      <set value='31' />
      <set value='40' />
      <set value='49' />
      <set value='59' />
      <set value='68' />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set value='89' />
      <set value='94' />
      <set value='97' />
      <set value='99' />
      <set value='100' />
   <dataset seriesname='Series 2' color='0000FF' showValue='0' lineThickness='2' yaxismaxvalue='100' anchorAlpha='0'>
      <set />
      <set value='0' />
      <set value='0' />
      <set value='0' />
      <set value='0' />
      <set value='1' />
      <set value='1' />
      <set value='1' />
      <set value='1' />
      <set value='6' />
      <set value='26' />
      <set value='43' />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set value='43' />
      <set value='53' />
      <set value='66' />
      <set value='78' />
      <set value='91' />
      <set />
      <set />
      <set />