Using with Database and scripts > Overview

FusionCharts is meant for plotting dynamic data on the web. It can plot charts with data stored in any form of data storage system. Since, FusionCharts doesn't directly interact with your data storage system, it doesn't matter what form of data storage you're using. That means, regardless of which app server and database you pair it with, FusionCharts will always be able to create data-driven interactive charts.

Cruising through an example initially will make the picture much more clearer for you. Let's quickly get to it and see how the entire process can be put into action.

An Example
We'll quickly get into an example of creating a database driven chart utilizing the Northwind database. The Northwind database is the default database provided with MS SQL Server and MS Access. This database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which imports and exports speciality foods from all around the world.

Say, we wanted to plot a chart indicating the Top 5 countries, for a particular year. The pertinent data to be extracted is stored in a SQL Server View called Invoices. First, we need to query this view to get this data. To do so, we utilize the following SQL query:

SELECT TOP 5 Country, SUM(ExtendedPrice) As Total FROM Invoices WHERE YEAR(OrderDate)=1997 GROUP BY Country ORDER BY SUM(ExtendedPrice) DESC
In the above code, we've temporarily set the year as 1997 to show the output. The query executes to give the following data:
Now, that we've the data in a Recordset object for instance, our next job is to create an XML document out of this Recordset object, as FusionCharts accepts only XML as it's data source.
<graph decimalPrecision='0' numberPrefix='$'>
     <set name='Germany' value='117320.16' color='0099FF'/>
     <set name='USA' value='114845.27' color='66CC66'/>
     <set name='Austria' value='57401.85' color='CD6AC0'/>
     <set name='France' value='45263.37' color='FF5904'/>
     <set name='Brazil' value='41941.19' color='996600'/>
So, the task of converting the data in database to XML is to be performed by your server side scripts. The entire process can be visualized using the following diagram:
As in the above diagram, your server side scripts (ASP.NET/ASP/PHP Pages/ColdFusion scripts etc) interact with the database using ODBC/OLE DB (or any other data stream) and generate a recordset/iterator object which contains the required data that is to be charted. Next, it converts the requested data into XML format (as required by FusionCharts) using either simple string concatenation or using the XML object and its builder properties. Simple string concatenation is a easy and preferable way to generate the XML document out of your data, as FusionCharts XML document has been kept as simple as possible eliminating the need of excessive branching.
Generating the XML Document for the chart in your script
The easiest and the most preferable method to generate the XML data document for FusionCharts is to use simple string concatenations. To make it very generic, the process of creating the XML document for a single series chart is shown in a general perspective i.e., not coded in any specific language. The entire sequence for a single series XML document generation can be simulated as under:

(Initialize your page)
(Interact with database/other forms of storage and get the recordset). Now, the retrieved data is present in object which can iterated sequentially.

Step 1: Initialize a variable say strFCXMLDoc - this would be used to store the entire XML data document
Step 2: Define strFCXMLDoc to contain the document element and it's attributes. E.g.,
strFCXMLDoc="<graph ... attributes here ... >"
Step 3: Start the iterator loop for the recordset (i.e., loop through the Recordset)
Step 4: Get the name and value data from the recordset (something like
strName=oRs("Name"), intValue=oRs("Value))
Step 5: Get a hex color code for this row. To attain this, you can store a list of hex colors in an external array. Thereby, you can recall a color from array either randomly or sequentially using a counter variable. If you wish to recall a color sequentially, you will have to use a counter variable to keep a track of current row in the recordset, say intCount. You can now access the color using something like
strColor = FCColors_array(intCount mod arraySize). This would make sure that even if you've lesser colors stored in your array, it would start iterating from the first color once the color list is over.
Step 5: Add the above extracted values to strFCXMLDoc in the format <set name='...' value='...' color='...' />. The code could be in the format:
strFCXMLDoc = strFCXMLDoc + "<set value='" + intValue + "' name='" + strName + "' color='" + strColor + "' />"
Step 6: End the iterator loop
Step 7: Finalize the XML data document by adding the end
</graph> element. E.g., strFCXMLDoc = strFCXMLDoc + "</graph>"

(The XML document is now ready to be used. We'll next see how to use this document.)

Methods of providing XML data to FusionCharts

Now, that you've the XML data ready to be served, you need to know the ways to serve it to FusionCharts. FusionCharts can accept the XML data in two ways:

  1. dataXML method
  2. dataURL method

Both the above methods accept the same XML data document, but in different ways. Let's see each of them in detail.

dataXML method
dataXML method helps you embed the XML data document in the same HTML (or ASP/ASP.NET/PHP/CF... ) page in which FusionCharts is embedded. This method is used when the data document size isn't too big (normally for single series charts). However, with larger data chunks, this method starts behaving irregularly with older versions of browsers.

dataXML method is used as under:

<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
... Other Content here ...
<!-- Chart Object starts here -->
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" id="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="&dataXML=<graph decimalPrecision='0' numberPrefix='$'> <set name='Germany' value='117320.16' color='0099FF'/> <set name='USA' value='114845.27' color='66CC66'/> <set name='Austria' value='57401.85' color='CD6AC0'/> <set name='France' value='45263.37' color='FF5904'/> <set name='Brazil' value='41941.19' color='996600'/> </graph>">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED FlashVars="&dataXML=<graph decimalPrecision='0' numberPrefix='$'> <set name='Germany' value='117320.16' color='0099FF'/> <set name='USA' value='114845.27' color='66CC66'/> <set name='Austria' value='57401.85' color='CD6AC0'/> <set name='France' value='45263.37' color='FF5904'/> <set name='Brazil' value='41941.19' color='996600'/> </graph>" src="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf" quality=high WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" NAME="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>
<!-- Chart Object Ends here -->
... Other Content here ...
As you can see above, the entire XML data document is present inside the HTML page alongside the FusionCharts Flash object. We use the FlashVars property of the flash object to specify the XML data under dataXML parameter.

Note: The FlashVars must be passed in both Param tag (for Internet Explorer-based browsers) as well as the Embed tag (for Netscape/Mozilla-based browsers); any non-URL safe characters, such as spaces, must be replaced with a % sign followed by a two-digit hexadecimal value (like %20 in place of a space, %25 in place of a percentage or %26 in place of an ampersand).

Let's now quickly see how to mould your server side script to use FusionCharts using the dataXML method.

dataXML and your server side script

Step 1: Initialize your page
Step 2: Render other contents of the page
Step 3: Interact with database/other forms of storage and get the recordset. Generate the XML document in the variable
strFCXMLDoc as earlier seen
Step 4: Output the HTML code for chart generation as under.

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" id="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="&dataXML=<%=strFCXMLDoc%>">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED FlashVars="&dataXML=<%=strFCXMLDoc%>" src="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf" quality=high WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" NAME="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>

Step 5: Render other contents of the page
Step 6: End Page

So, in the above code, when your page load event or data binding event is invoked, strFCXMLDoc in both instances is replaced by the actual XML data generated by your server.

You'll get the following chart output for the above code (when run against Northwind database):
Next, we'll see the other method - dataURL method.
dataURL Method
Using this method, you just provide the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the XML document (or the server side script which would provide the XML document). The following diagram would assist you understand better:
As visible in the above diagram, two pages are needed to create a chart using this method:

  1. Chart Container Page - This page contains the chart object alongwith any other HTML objects. This page can be a static HTML page or a dynamic server side script too. Say, for instance, in the example above you wanted to give the user an option to see the "Top 5 Countries" chart for any year. Then, you would have to make this page a dynamic one, which could collect the year information from the user and pass it onto the chart alongwith the data provider URL.
  2. Data Provider Page - This page provides the XML data required by the chart. This page is invoked by FusionCharts (with any parameters that you might have supplied as querystring). In this page, you place your scripts to access and retrieve the required data from the database, encode it in XML and finally write it to the output stream.
dataURL method and your server side script
Let's quickly modify our "Top 5 Countries" example above to create a dynamic chart, wherein the user could select the year for which he wants to view the chart. For this example, there would be 2 pages:

  • Chart.ext (e.g., Chart.asp, Chart.aspx, Chart.php...) - This page would contain the drop down box that lets the user select an year. Just below the drop down box would be the chart object. By default, the last year would remain as selected and the chart would show the data for same.
  • Data.ext (e.g., Data.asp, Data.aspx, Data.php ...) - This page provides the XML data to chart, when requested.

Chart.ext can be coded under the following guidelines:

(Initialize your page)
(Interact with database/other forms of storage and get the list of years). Present this list of years in a select box.
(Render other Content)

Step 1: Retrieve the selected year (or default year, if the page is invoked for first time) and store it in
intYear variable.
Step 2: Define the dataURL for the chart in the format Data.asp?Year=(intYear) - you'll also need to URL Encode it as:

strDataURL = URLEncodeFunction("Data.asp?Year="+intYear)
URL Encoding means converting the special characters present in a string (like ?,&, space etc) into URL friendly format (that is a % followed by the 2 digit hexadecimal value of the character). In all the scripting languages, you've functions/class methods that you can use to URL Encode a string.

Step 3: Write out the chart HTML code as below:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" id="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="&dataURL=<%=strDataURL%>">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
FlashVars="&dataXML=<%=strDataURL%>" src="FC_2_3_Column3D.swf" quality=high WIDTH="565" HEIGHT="420" NAME="FC_2_3_Column3D" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>

(Render other Content)

And, Data.ext should function as below:

(Initialize your page)

Step 1: Request Year from the querystring and store it in
Step 2: Initialize a variable say
strFCXMLDoc - this would be used to store the entire XML data document
Step 3: Interact with database/other forms of storage and get the recordset. Now, the retrieved data is present in object which can iterated sequentially.
Step 4: Define strFCXMLDoc to contain the document element and it's attributes. E.g.,
strFCXMLDoc="<graph ... attributes here ... >"
Step 5: Start the iterator loop for the recordset (i.e., loop through the Recordset)
Step 6: Get the name and value data from the recordset (something like
strName=oRs("Name"), intValue=oRs("Value))
Step 7: Get a hex color code for this row. To attain this, you can store a list of hex colors in an external array. Thereby, you can recall a color from array either randomly or sequentially using a counter variable. If you wish to recall a color sequentially, you will have to use a counter variable to keep a track of current row in the recordset, say intCount. You can now access the color using something like
strColor = FCColors_array(intCount mod arraySize). This would make sure that even if you've lesser colors stored in your array, it would start iterating from the first color once the color list is over.
Step 8: Add the above extracted values to strFCXMLDoc in the format <set name='...' value='...' color='...' />. The code could be in the format:
strFCXMLDoc = strFCXMLDoc + "<set value='" + intValue + "' name='" + strName + "' color='" + strColor + "' />"
Step 9: End the iterator loop
Step 10: Finalize the XML data document by adding the end
</graph> element. E.g., strFCXMLDoc = strFCXMLDoc + "</graph>"
Step 11: Write the XML document to output stream.

Make sure that in this page, you do not output anything apart from the XML document - that is no HTML content should be present in the document. And, the XML output should be a valid XML structure.

And, when you now see the chart, you'll get the required output.

Here, we've seen a very generalized and conceptual explanation of using FusionCharts with a database. The next few sections span into details of using FusionCharts with your server side script and database. Based on the server side script (ASP, ASP.NET, CF, PHP etc.) that you're using, you can directly jump to the pertinent section next.