FusionCharts Grid Component > Parameters
The grid component supports a lot of parameters, which you specify using the FlashVars method as in the HTML code below:

<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
... Other HTML Content...
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="140" id="FCGrid" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="../Charts/FC_2_3_SSGrid.swf?dataURL=data.xml&chartHeight=140&chartWidth=350">
<PARAM NAME='FlashVars' VALUE='&alternateRowBgColor=CCCC00&alternateRowBgAlpha=10' >
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="../Charts/FC_2_3_SSGrid.swf?dataURL=data.xml&chartHeight=140&chartWidth=350" FlashVars='&alternateRowBgColor=CCCC00&alternateRowBgAlpha=10' quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="140" NAME="FCGrid" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>


The following parameters are supported by the Grid component:

Data Related Parameters

  • dataURL/dataXML - Like other charts in the suite, you need to provide a dataURL or the complete XML data as string (dataXML) to the grid component.

Width and Height of the Legend

  • chartWidth="Pixels" - Width of the grid component
  • chartHeight="Pixels" - Height of the grid component

Display Font Properties

  • fontFace="Font Family"- Font family using which all the data would be displayed in the grid.
  • fontSize="Numeric Value"- Font size using which all the data would be displayed in the grid.
  • fontColor="Hex Code"- Font color using which all the data would be displayed in the grid.

Visual Cosmetics

  • bgColor="Hex Code"- Background color of the grid.
  • alternateRowBgColor="Hex Code" - Background color of alternating data line.
  • alternateRowBgAlpha="0-100" - Transparency of alternating data line.
  • listRowDividerThickness="Numeric Value" - Thickness of the line separating two data lines.
  • listRowDividerColor="Hex Code" - Color of the line separating two data lines.
  • listRowDividerAlpha="0-100" - Alpha of the line separating two data lines.
  • colorBoxWidth="Numeric Value"- Width of the rectangular color box indicating each data item.
  • colorBoxHeight="Numeric Value" - Height of the rectangular color box indicating each data item.
  • navButtonRadius="Numeric Value"- Radius (in pixels) of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.
  • navButtonColor="Hex Code" - Color of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.
  • navButtonHoverColor="Hex Code" - Hover color of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.

Paging related properties

  • numberItemsPerPage="Numeric Value" - Number of data items that you want to display in one particular page.

Padding and Margins

  • textVerticalPadding="Numeric Value"- Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the list row divider line and the text between the line.
  • navButtonPadding="Numeric Value" - Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the last data item and the navigation buttons. The navigation buttons appear only when paging is required.
  • colorBoxPadding="Numeric Value" - Horizontal distance between the left edge of the grid and the color box (indicating data color).
  • nameColumnPadding="Numeric Value" - Horizontal distance between the data name and the right edge of color box.
  • valueColumnPadding="Numeric Value" - Horizontal distance between the data value and the right edge.