Introduction & Installation > List of Charts

FusionCharts V2.3 supports the following chart types:

Single Series Charts

  • 3D Column Chart
  • 2D Column Chart
  • 2D Bar Chart
  • 2D Line Chart
  • 2D Area Chart
  • 3D Pie Chart
  • 2D Pie Chart
  • 2D Doughnut Chart

Multi-series Charts

  • 3D Column Chart
  • 3D Stacked Column
  • 2D Column Chart
  • 2D Line Chart
  • 2D Bar (Horizontal) Chart
  • 2D Area Chart
  • 2D Scatter Chart
  • 3D/2D Bubble Chart
  • Radar Chart
  • 2D Stacked Area Chart
  • 2D Stacked Bar
  • 2D Stacked Column

Combination Charts

  • Multi-series 3D Column + Multi-series Line Dual Y
  • Multi-series 2D Column + Multi-series Line Dual Y
  • 2D Stacked Area + Multi-series Line Dual Y
  • 2D Stacked Column + Multi-series Line Dual Y

Additional Chart Types

  • Candle stick chart / Stock Bar Chart
  • Single series Grid Component

Apart from this suite, we also have FusionCharts Instrumentation Suite (, which consists of the following chart types:

  • Angular Gauge Chart
  • Real Time Line Chart
  • Linear Gauge Chart
  • LED Gauge Chart
  • Bulb Gauge Chart

We also have a lot of customized charts in our "Custom Charts" Gallery at If you need any particular type of chart, which is not available in the standard edition, we can create it for you. Please drop in a mail at with specs of the chart (preferably with a screenshot), and we'll get back to you.